- Terms of use
All information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and are the opinions of the writer, those opinions may change with time and the writer cannot be held responsible for any information written therein. Visitors are reminded that they visit this blog at their own will and any information taken from this blog is at their own risk.
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All material, information, picture, video are subjected to copyright. Some of the materials can be copied but with the consent of the author. Other material which are present on the blog and not the property of the writer can be removed at the behest of the author. The author of this blog is to remove your content if published on the blog at anytime without your approval. The author will not be liable to prosecution if your material are found on the blog and you have not contacted him at ashfaqmeeah@gmail.com to ask for removal.
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The users are informed that they can use the material that they glean from the blog at their own risk and that the author is not liable to prosecution for the misuse or inappropriate use or usage of the material found on the blog.
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The author of this blog guarantees visitors that their information will not be sold without their consent and that any information retained from their visit on the blog will not be sold by the author. The author does not take any responsibility for the privacy practices of the advertisers or blog commentators. The author however reserves the right to prosecute anyone who spams or use foul language in creole, english or french on the blog comments. But the author reserves the right not to prosecute persons using foul language if the comment is moderated or erased by the author of the blog.
- Reserve rights
The author of this blog reserves the right to change the focus of the blog, to shut it down, to sell it, or to change the terms of use (go to a paid platform) at his discretion.His opinions are subject to change with time and cannot be held responsible for any change in opinion expressed on the blog.
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Thank you,
Best Regards,