About the recent crackdown on activitists for the depenalization of cannabis in Mauritius, We have a clear opinion on the matter:
1. We are not for legalization of cannabis in Mauritius as up to now but we are for a debate on the matter.
2. We clearly are against any brutality, using of brutality against activists and the people of Mauritius is totally unacceptable.
3. We urge the government and all stakeholders to come forward with a civil debate on the matter.
4. While cultural reasons might be an important point, on such matter where health is concerned, a more scientific approach is a priority.
5. Advice of countries such as Netherlands should be sought in dealing with a depenalization of such drug.
6. Researches should be made on the impact of such depenalization on our soil
7. We are a sovereign state with a democratically elected government, on such cases where they have not been mandated to act, they should advice for a debate and national referendum to give their consent for such decision.
Here's our 5 cents.
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